Adjusting content maturity settings in Roblox

Roblox recently changed their content rating system - instead of being categorized by ages (i.e., All Ages, Ages 9+, etc.) experiences are now instead categorized by their content. The ratings are as follows:

  • Minimal: May contain occasional mild violence, light unrealistic blood, and/or occasional mild fear.
  • Mild: May contain repeated mild violence, heavy unrealistic blood, mild crude humor, and/or repeated mild fear.
  • Moderate: May contain repeated moderate violence, light realistic blood, moderate crude humor, unplayable gambling content, and/or moderate fear.
  • Restricted: May contain strong violence, heavy realistic blood, moderate crude humor, romantic themes, unplayable gambling content, strong language, the presence of alcohol, and/or moderate fear.

As a general rule, activities led by hosts will only include experiences rated Minimal or Mild. That said, members with permission to play games rated Moderate are allowed to do so with other club members independently.

To ensure you have control over the content your child is exposed to in Roblox, we recommend checking and updating the "Content maturity" settings in their Roblox account.

How to adjust content maturity settings

  1. Open the Roblox website or the Roblox app and navigate to the Settings menu. The location of this menu may vary depending on your device; use the screenshots below for examples of where the Settings menu is located on the Roblox website and in the standalone Roblox app for MacOS.
  2. In the Settings menu, select "Privacy & content maturity", and in the submenu that appears select "Content maturity".
  3. On the "Content maturity" screen, adjust the slider to select the highest category of content you are comfortable with your child accessing. Your changes will save automatically. If you have already set a PIN on your account, you may need to enter it to access and adjust these settings.
On the Roblox website, the Settings menu can be accessed by clicking the gear icon at the top-right of the interface.
In the Roblox MacOS standalone app, the Settings menu can be accessed by clicking the "More" button on the left sidebar.

Still need help? Reach out to the Ender team for assistance.